Did a lot of stuff but too lazy to write (basically edited all code to suit python3)
- spent an hour on a bug that didn't exist !!!!
- worst thing to every exist
TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index
- honestly probably when through all python built in errors
- vi lifesaver
,+<num lines u wanna replace>s/<thing u want replaced>/<what u wanna replace w>cg
add cg if u wanna confirm - but YAYAY refine_video works :):):):):)):):):):))
... took 3 mins to run
ah look at them go #getursummerbodready #hotgirlsummer
For my short term memory loss (jk but still)
combat ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'posemapper'
source venv/bin/activate # just me
cd sandbox/motion_reconstruction/ # me again
export PYTHONPATH=~/sandbox/SMPL_python_v.1.1.0/smpl/smpl_webuser/ # !!! this part
python3 -m refine_video