Motion Reconstruction Day 4

Motion Reconstruction Day 4


Running python3 -m run_openpose works handspring_a_000000000032_rendered.jpg

handspring_b_000000000023_rendered.jpg Updated code to work with OpenPose v1.7.0

-        kp = np.array(people['pose_keypoints']).reshape(-1, 3)
+        kp = np.array(people['pose_keypoints_2d']).reshape(-1, 3)

Cannot run with --net_resolution "1312x736" and --scale_number 4

-    cmd_base = '%s/build/examples/openpose/openpose.bin --video %%s --write_keypoint_json %%s --net_resolution "1312x736" --scale_number 4 --scale_gap 0.25 --write_images %%s --write_images_format jpg' % 
+   cmd_base = '%s/build/examples/openpose/openpose.bin --video %%s --write_json %%s --scale_gap 0.25 --write_images %%s --write_images_format jpg' %

Don't know if it will make a significant impact but will find out later

Updated to fit python3

-            for p_id, p_bboxes in persons.iteritems():
+            for p_id, p_bboxes in iter(persons.items()):

Fixed code iterating to delete Person IDs after running, not during

Changed paths in refine video


Cannot run python3 -m refine_video

Absolute import not working from posemapper import posemap

"For the love of all that is holy, fix the import to use the full package import and let PYTHONPATH die quietly."

Next Steps

Run and fix python3 -m refine_video